We ship localy using ACS or ELTA Parcels, and internationally using ELTA Parcels. The shipping rates are as follows:
Athens: For packages below 2kg (usually up to 2-3 items or double LPs) the cost is €3.
Rest Of Greece: Cost €4 for up to 4 items, then €1 for each additional item.
EU & Rest Of World: Cost €15,5 for one item, then €2,5 for each additional item.
We usually ship within the day of the order. It will take 2-3 days for your order to arrive if you are in Greece, 5-7 if you are in EU and 7-10 if you are anywhere else. All shipments come with a tracking code.
If you have questions regarding your shipment please email us at orders [at] sydrecords.com