Madrugada – Madrugada (Italian Prog Rock band)
37,00 €
This band from Bergamo was formed around 1970, and had a long life that lasted until 1978. Their name means dawn in Spanish.
The group derived from some 60’s beat bands like I Condor, that included bass player Alessandro Zanelli and keyboardist Franco Orlandini (from Mat 65 and who later worked with Equipe 84 and Claudio Rocchi), and later changed name to Le Lunghe Storie, and along them from Le Bugie and Gruppo 3. But the basic nucleus came from Terza Classe, which also gave birth to Perdio.
Though not properly a progressive rock album, their first one, only released in 1974 by Philips, contains some interesting parts.
It contains seven tracks, some of which were arranged and signed by Roberto Vecchioni (a singer-songwriter that’s still very popular nowadays), while three songs were composed by Mauro Paoluzzi.
The first side shows some influences by a West Coast styled sound, with multivocal parts very well executed but not particularly original. Second side contains the long Mandrax, led by Gianfranco Pinto’s keyboards, that’s probably the best album track.
Except for a limited use of acoustic guitar on Uomo blu the band didn’t use guitars and their sound was strongly based on keyboards and richly arranged vocal parts.
Limited to 899 copies on black vinyl by “Prog Rock Italia” label.
Cat.# 3829039